“While it was disappointing that the original device failed after several years, the company did not hesitate to replace it at no cost, no questions asked. The replacement was simple to install and works a treat. Vary happy camper.”
“I recently purchased a 7-function spray gum item 5528 from your Cultivating Connections Autumn 2021 catalogue but it didn't come with a connector so then I had to purchase this item. More delays. Where as other items in the same catalogue did come with a connector, page 17 items 5567, 5560 & 5565, page 18 items 5555, 5556, 5566 & 5561 Wands page 24 -25 Sprinklers.I think it would have been better to give buyers a choice of purchasing an accessory connector when purchasing an item that doesn't come with one.9autum 2021)”
“We had the Hoselink retractable hose reel for only 9 months before this attachment sprung open and proved defective. We had been told that Hoselink was a reliable brand so were surprised that a problem had occurred so quickly. But we were happy with the fact that it was replaced, and that delivery was made within a few days of calling to report it. The hose reel itself is very good though. Thank you.”