“Ihave found the hoselink reel and hose to be very good, however the realease for the hose causes me some porblems when pulling the hose out of the unit. The tension is considerably strong, it may have to be, but as Ihaverecently had shoulder surgery it causes me trouble. Any other way the system is fantastic, I love my new auto rewind hose reel.”
“Very easy to pull out and rewind, but I do feel that the quality of the hose itself is lacking as we seem to have a problem with it kinking to often.”
“I have found it fantastic, my husband was very dubious about whether it would work or not but now he is a convert as well. Now he wants me to buy another one!! I'm a keen gardener, we are also on tank water & now I can water to my hearts content without lugging watering cans around which is exhausting in this hot weather. It is also great for washing the cars I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone, no leaking at all Regards Sue”