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7-Function Spray Gun Reviews

4.8 Rating 1,675 Reviews
One spray-gun to rule them all! In the battle to keep our gardens green and lush under the unrelenting Australian sun, a quality spray-gun the calibre of this Hoselink Metal-7-function model is a must-have attachment at the end of your Hoselink hose or reel. I snared mine after trying two other Hoslink guns. Both good, both sturdy-but neither quite made the grade for my garden accessory wish list which was topped by 'The Ideal Spray Gun'. Hoselink responded by posting news of this new Spray Gun the same day I logged on to this classy Aussie Brand's website. A Hoselink devotee with two hose reels, a 10-metre hose with fittings, two spray guns and a handy kit of spare washers, I trawled through the site hoping to snare the dream spray-gun to match my hoses. And there it was! After a short but friendly chat with Lisa at Hoselink, she suggested the new 7-function model. She also arranged to send me a sample for a test run and a report back describing how it all panned out. From the moment it was fitted to the end of my hose reel, I knew this Hose Link model was king of the rest of the previous range. Knowing Hose Link they'll keep on improving new models in the search for watering accessory perfection. And good on them for sinking so much sweat, effort and sugar on research. Until then I can tell you the Metal 7-Function gun does what a spray gun should: continue to provide a steady flow of water precisely in the patterns printed on the nozzle. You can pick, Jet, Mist, Direct and a number of other spray flow patterns. My favourite is Shower, especially for young plants because the precise conical pattern distributes water around the base of the plant and away from delicate roots. But the point is, unlike its rivals' models, water flows directly from the 7-function spray gun to plants without deviating to the sides of the nozzle and watering what you don't want to water for example, the pavement, or your wrist, or face. Moreover, the 7-function model is solidly built, has intelligent features and is nicely finished. Which leads me to share with you It's a product you'll want to keep-and more importantly, keep on using.
Helpful Report
Posted 11 years ago
I love this Hoselink spray gun and use it daily on my newly established gardens. I have one for the front and one for the back. It's a perfect nozzle for use with the hoselink hoses and the locking device is great for me as I have arthritis in my fingers and cannot apply pressure for long. I like the choice of sprays available and tend to use the shower and vertical settings the most. Thank you for a great product!
Helpful Report
Posted 11 years ago
The new model is more robust and an improvement on the older model.
Helpful Report
Posted 11 years ago