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GevityRx Bone Broth Sauce - Great Guts Mayo 375mls By GPA Wholefoods Reviews

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GevityRx Bone Broth Sauce - Great Guts Mayo 375mls

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Samantha Sizeland
Verified Reviewer
this is the best mayo ive ever had!! love it
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Posted 3 years ago
What sealed the deal for me was that I wanted a mayo that didn't have any GMO products, PUFA oils high in Omega-6, refined sugars, or other highly processed products in it - the majority of the mayo that's manufactured is pure junk and IMHO, unhealthy. I've been on a Carnivore WOE for the last two years with great results, but have decided to reinstate certain foods back into my eating as long as they're organic (and sustainably sourced to support regenerative agriculture). Even though I tolerate eggs, these aren't in the Great Guts Mayo. It also has grass-fed beef broth concentrate, and though that's nice, I'm going to split hairs here, because ALL cattle are grass-fed. Most are then sent to feedlots to be finished off on grains in the latter part of their life which usually means being fed GMO corn and soy-base products - not part of cow's natural diet. I don't like it when food companies use "grass-fed" to label their beef products and its use is deceptive. My preference is GRASS FINISHED. So if GevityRx actually do contain 'grass finished' beef animal by-products, then let is us all know! (and update your labels and ingredients list :) I couldn't find anything on the website to state as such. To get ahead of the game GevityRx, people a.k.a 'consumers' are starting to realise the health benefits of wholly pastured animals (i.e. grass fed, and grass-finished) and all their by-products, especially if they are dealing with a metabolic dysfunction or autoimmune disease. If your bovine by-products are grain-finished, even if organic, it can still pose a problem with those dealing with gut issues etc. May I suggest you contact the plentiful regenerative farmers in Australia or New Zealand to source grass-finished animal by-products?
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Posted 4 years ago
Alexandra Spriggens
Verified Reviewer
Delicious and so good to know it is great for us too!
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Posted 4 years ago
Alexandra Spriggens
Verified Reviewer
Delicious and nutritious!! So happy I've found this!
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Posted 4 years ago