“This is *the* best low-carb sweetener.
It appears a bit expensive until you do the math. Don't be fooled by packet products claiming to be "monk fruit" or "stevia" - check the label. One popular brand of "Monk Fruit" you'll buy from the supermarket, if you check the ingredients on the back, you'll find is actually just ONE PERCENT monk fruit extract and the other 99% is erythritol. Another brand of "Stevia" when you check the ingredients is only 0.18% Stevia (the rest is, again, erythritol (I don't know how they're allowed to get away with such misleading packaging)!
This product is 100% monk fruit concentrate - two teaspoons of this is equal to a cup of the crystalised stuff. When you do the math, like I did, you'll see it works out to around the same price, but it tastes better and it's better for you.
Highly recommended!”
“Love this product! Use it in cooking and even beverages like coffee & tea. Has a real sweet pleasant taste. Great sugar alternative without any aftertaste. Great value with the 100mls bottles lasts ages.”
“I love Thankfully Nourished Monk Fruit Concentrate. I use it in my baking and cooking. I also use it in Tea and Coffee instead of sugar and I can't taste the difference.”
“If you're looking for a healthy sweetner that doesn't impact blood sugar, this is the best! Whilst I've not tried Stevia myself, many people talk about the not so great aftertaste. Monk Fruit on the other hand is absolutely delicious. I also love that it's a pure concentrate and not mixed with some of the questionable ingredients you see in the supermarket brands.”