“ Glad they are finally back in stock. It helps intensify everything. Makes my mouth tingle. Taste amazing! And he loves them. Leaves a tingly sensation, it's lovely!”
“ Definitely wasn’t expecting the tingling sensation but does do it’s job!”
“ The mouth watering aspect is definitely interesting but this candy makes your tongue kinda hurt like you ate too many salty ruffles or something.”
“ This mints really work! Mouth got so wet, The taste is a little odd but You can get past that.”
“ After seeing these on TikTok I couldn’t wait to try them! I got these and the cinnamon ginger, both are amazing and definitely make for a lot of fun”
“ These mints were great definitely would highly recommend! Mouth really gets wet.”
“ These mints are a weird sensation, but they do make your mouth water! Great for cotton mouth, too.”
“ Those things are awful! Left a bad feeling on my tongue for an hour! Taste funky!”