“I absolutley love the MCT oil powder i have no stomach issues,
it taste great and I am a Personal Trainer and have been
getting my clients on it, great way to start the day with this in my coffee
and sometimes blended in my smoothie, Awesome ENERGY”
“I’m new to Keto and a new customer to HVMN I purchased the chocolate flavor CMT powder. Love this product, this curbs my appetite , keeps me full as I sip my coffee though out the morning . I’ve added this to my diet and have lost inches and pounds after 2 weeks with no workouts . Definitely ordering my second contains .”
“Just started using MCT Oil Powder so I don't have any clinical results yet. Just received my Ketone blood kit. I'll start monitoring my Ketone levels as I continue to use the oil. I learned not to exceed the recommended dosage. It will cause a mile upset stomach for a short time. I'm looking forward to getting test results. I do really like the chocolate flavoring. Thank you.”