“Tried / use variety of Ketone products and Keone IQ my favorite for its power. Like to mix with my hydration AM cocktail. Only negative is higher $ cost, but it's a concentrate.”
“Product certainly delivers improved focus without the side effects of 'the shakes' or 'crashing.'
I have also seen a 5%-7% in improved cardio metrics across the board (biking and running)
Love the IQ”
Hi Mark - we're so happy that you're loving Ketone-IQ. We hear you on the international shipping - shipping packages around the world is expensive these days, not to mention the import taxes for each country. Reach out to us at care@ketone.com and we can help you brainstorm ways to make shipping work for you. A lot of our international customers order quarterly, for example, to cut down on shipping costs each month.
“I've been using this in the morning to take the edge off intermittent fasting, by skipping breakfast. I still have plenty of energy for my lunchtime workout. I've lost 17 pounds in about 3 months and feeling good. Very happy!”
“The Ketone IQ products are easy to use, and are a good alternative to mixing powders and other delivery mechanisims. I particularly like them for long car trips, when I feel like I'm getting a bit tired, I use Ketone IQ to give me a boost. A good alternative to some unhealthy comfort food!”
Hi Lance, Thank you so much for your feedback. You may also try adjusting the timing and dosage, such as taking 1-2 shots before exercise or focused tasks. Consistent use and staying hydrated can also help. For a stronger "energy" experience, try Ketone-IQ +Caffeine, our hybrid ketones+caffeine performance blend.