“It did not work for me. I did do some research on the effects the ester had on me and it turned out I was not the only one. I won't purchase this again. But I did purchase one of the newest items and I can't wait to try it.”
“Upside- Take 2-3 servings to get thru a 24 hr fast. This is a huge assist and honestly as a 65 female warrior I do find fasting with ketones to be a lot less stressful (read cortisol!)
Also 1 serving before a fasting HIT workout (intense, heavy to failure with negatives) creates a successful experience. Max lifts up by 5#
Coginitive- no doubt, smarter!
Downside- way too expensive and I will need to decide how to distribute the meager rationing of 3/week
No way around the fact it just tastes awful.”
“Absolutely LOVE this Unicorn Pee that they call HVMN! It works wonders and helps me dig deep through long rides and longer training sessions through a multitude of sports. It's incredible. Taste is brutal but chase it down with anything and your ready to take on the world! Don't believe me? Try it. Just drink it. you won't be sorry, no crash, no stim, no bs. Clean sustainable energy.”
“This stuff is the real deal. Way better than the other brand of Ketone Ester (They also put Taurine in their ketone aid which is a no-no in my book.) I take it in half-bottles for it's effect on focus during my longer fasting periods. Haven't tried it for workouts yet but I would imagine it will keep you extremely focused and determined during extraneous workout sessions.”