“Hi i had a happy birthday candle off my husband for my birthday i didn't think it wud get to me in time for my birthday but it did 3 days before it sud of come so i was well please but he wudnt let me open it till the day :persevere: i was amazed there was 2 candles and a bath bomb i didnt no this :heart_eyes: the birthday candles smells lovely before i light it and then the smells was amazing all though the house it went and everyone who come the next day cud still smell it from the night before. My bedroom smells lovely all the time as i leave the lid off, without being lit it still make ur house smell lovely i got a beautiful ring inside, both candles was lush both had rings in and my bath bomb was lovely made my skin feel really soft and that had a ring in to lol 3 beautiful rings and my candles are still going strong, thank u so much mrs a fisher”