“Line quality appears close to the original. The bends were not an exact match. As a result, some minor bending was required to get a reasonable fit. The bend at the carb inlet should have been close to 90 degrees as on the original, but was at least 100 degrees. This prevented it from being able to align with the carb inlet because other parts then hit the block. The fuel pump end also had to be adjusted because it was made "flat" for lack of a better term. But the original had an upsweep to rise a little to reach the pump. But these were minor issues and I would have rated this 4 stars. However, in the middle section the line actually presses against one of the fuel pump bolts making it impossible to get a socket on the bolt unless the line is removed detached at one end and loosened at the other. And, of course there is the concern when a line carrying gasoline is rubbing on a bolt head. The issue here is that there is a support bracket for the A/C which is bolts to the block and the fuel line has to squeeze between the bracket and the block. A slight mis-bend here will force the line into a poor position causing it to interfere with the pump bolt. If Inline is interested I'll send them my original line to compare.”