“The easy pack is convenient, but more expensive than I thought it would be. I was expecting to be able to get 9 items done, but I was only able to get 3 pair of women's hiking pants, and 4 women's long sleeve button down shirts in the bag (with numerous attempts to get them to fit in the bag...folding them in different ways, etc.). The bag would NOT have accommodated an equal number of my husband's pants and shirts, as his are larger than mine. THE BAG IS SMALL! So...if you're doing a bunch of children's clothes, or small items like buffs, the bag is the better deal. If you're doing adult size pants and shirts, especially men's sizes, you might be better off paying by the piece. They do sew an insect shield label in each piece, which is nice. I hadn't expected that!”
“The clothes came back the exact same size - no shrinking - and they have no scent. I haven't tested them yet in extremely buggy conditions, but neighborhood bugs haven't been an issue. My only complaint is that the pricing is high for the volume of clothing that fits in the bag. If the clothing is bulky, you can't fit much in the bag. Only use this method for thin/small items. Do per piece for bulky clothing.”
“UPS lost the package for a few days, but it eventually arrived. Once here, it was a matter of filling it up (2 pr Carhartt work pants, one pair of bib overalls, and two pair of socks) and dropping it at the local UPS dropoff point (a nearby CVS for me). The clothes came back in a box about 7-10 days later. I live in a tick hotspot and wear treated clothis several times a week; I'm looking forward to not having to worry about whether it's time to respray these. I've never found a tick on me while wearing my treated clothing.”
“The easy pack was the best way to get some of my favorite clothing items treated. New clothes are nice but old clothes are better! I was able to fit about 10 items in the package.
You won't notice any odor when you get your items back.”
“Service worked as expected although I have not had a chance to wear the treated clothes yet. I have bought a pretreated shirt from Insect Shield before though and it worked to keep from getting mosquito bites. I'm not sure the Easy Pack is the best solution for everyone though. I was able to fit 12 "garments" in the bag, but that included 3 pairs of socks and very thin and lightweight hiking clothes. If you have anything heavier than that, like jeans or regular pants(not thin nylon hiking pants), then you would probably be better off paying the per garment price of $9 each as you will not get your money's worth out of the easy pack.”
“The whole process was incredibly easy. The bag arrived quickly after ordering and the clothes were returned faster than I expected. I highly recommend it.”
“The pouch took longer to get her than expected. Almost a week which was okay. Communication was good throughout the process. The pouch was sturdy yet not as big as I expected. It held 6 pair of medium thick hiking socks. 2 light hiking pants. 3 ultra light hiking shirts. May have held a little more but not much.
Bag sealed securely with the tape strip. Fit into a UPS drop-off box.
I received two emails or three about the order processing and shipping. That was great. Everything arrived in a box folded and with tags pointed to clothing. Not the ultra light materials which was good to not damage materials. Socks had insect shield printed on them. Clothes did not. Everything felt sticky. This is normal. I noticed this with the spray in my car as well. If you purchase treated materials they are not sticky.
I always found this stuff works. It's a layer of protection. Does it kill all critters? No. I do see ticks die or crawl up noticably slower than on normal/untreated clothing. And it allegedly kills the tiny/Jr ticks which are notoriously hard to see. Only saw one by accident once and they are the size of piling on a shirt. So to me this is worth it. It's do it again.”