“I like these pants--I bought them because I wanted some tick-proof pants in a color where I could see any ticks that might crawl onto them. They are comfy, and the lower pocket holds my big iPhone 12. But watch out for size!! I ordered a size 12 (instead of my usual size 8) based on the sizing chart--but size 12 was MUCH TOO BIG, The size chart is not correct. (The size chart says size 12 has a 32-inch waist, but it actually had a 35-inch waist. The size 8 has a 33-inch waist!) On the good side, the company exchanged them for a size 8 very promptly and without cost to me.
These are Dickies cargo pants treated by Insect Shield with their permethrin process, and embroidered with the Insect Shield logo so you can identify your treated pants..
Insect Shield clothes, including my own clothes treated by Insect Shield, have saved me from ticks for 2 years now. I "suit up" in my Insect Shield clothes before my daily hikes in tick-infested Vermont woods, and I have not had a tick since I started wearing Insect shield. I do supplement my IS clothes with permethrin-treated shoes and Lyme-EEZ tick gaiters.”
“These fit like jeans and can handle some briars such as barberry. Wash well. I can smell the repellent but it is not as noticeable as spray insecticide. I keep track of the number of washings each garment sustains so I can have them retreated before I have ticks taking liberties.”