“I ordered the "One Ring" replica in sterling silver with the chain for my boyfriend. I almost kept it for myself (the one ring will do that to you). It is so beautifully made, inscribed and balanced. It fits his finger perfectly should he ever want to wear it there, but always wanted the chain to wear it like in the books/movies. It is beautiful and perfect! Thank you!”
Lord of the Rings means a lot to me, and so having the One Ring is very special.
Back when Lord of the Rings was in the cinemas, there were a number of jewellers selling Lord of the Rings means a lot to me, and so having the One Ring is very special.
Back when Lord of the Rings was in the cinemas, there were a number of jewellers selling replicas of the One Ring, which of course I had to have. I wore it religiously for years, until I lost it in a move about 4 years ago. I was devastated.
A couple of years ago I found Jens Hansen and realised they were still making and selling the One Ring. I've been saving since then, and was able to order my ring. I got quite emotional when I placed the order, and again when my order arrived.
I plan to wear this ring the rest of my life.
You'll never know how much this ring means to me.
I hope my story encourages other people to order items from you, such an incredible company.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!”