“I take the Plenny Drink when I psychically can't cope with any preparations needed for a real meal. I don't even like the taste but drinking a Plenny shake is a hundred times better than going to bed on an empty stomach. They really help me out sometimes.
I especially like the the ordering process:
- super flexible subscription
- fast shipping
- divers payment methods”
“I ordered a test batch of these as I am not completely satisfied with plenny shakes or twennybars: as I am not satisfied with just mixing the powder and drinking but prefer to instead let it sit for some time, the shake is not the quick and easy meal I need, but the twennybars are bot vegan. Thus i thought that I might be ready to pay a bit extra to get instantly ready vegan meals. Unfortunately the plenny drink won't make it to my regular meals, as even though they have more calories per serving than twennybars, they feel less satiating. I also enjoy the act of chewing too much to give that away and these are more difficult to always keep one or two with me. Otherwise the taste is good though a bit boring with only one flavour.”
“I regularly have this drink on days when too many meetings make it difficult to have a proper lunch. An almost perfect solution, it just could be a bit larger to contain 25 or 30% of a days nutrition.”
“Indescribably odd flavor that I struggle to identify as "vanilla". The texture is also unpleasantly thick. I took only two sips last week and the container has been sitting, taunting me every time I open my fridge ever since. The first sip was vile, and I only took the second to see if it really was that bad. This has put me off from buying the vanilla Big Bag Plenny Shake, which I was very excited to try.”