“After being hesitant first, I really enjoyed waking up and havng my shake. The starter guide was a great start and it really explained how to dose it properly!”
“I like that you have all the info about the products and the nice bonus are the recepes ideas you get to improve your experience and vary your fooding everyday!”
“I researched all about this proteins before getting them but my mom for example that is a bit less on the computer found the guide very helpful, just simple things like how much eater and that you can mix it with other things helps a lot for people that has never had a protein smoothie :)”
“I think the startes guide is a great way to introduce somenone to your products and how to introduce them into their daily routine. However with time I personally would appreciate more fun recipes with plenny shakes, as tehy are trully very tasty!”
“It is extremely easy to use! With the starter guide you cam start right away, it also provides you woth some recipes to help you discover the many possibilities of the shake.
I am a big fan”