“I have been loving this shake since 2015 when it was called Joylent. It being quick and easy made it a staple food when I was going through some hectic years at university, and the affordable price per meal makes it a staple food now that I'm an unemployable academic. So I've seen the changes through the years and even had the time to explore some alternatives.
Recently I purchased ~5 kg of Huel and comparing it to Plenny Shake v2.0 I prefered the Plenny Shake on pretty much every point: Neutritionally the differences are negligible, but with Plenny Shake the taste is better, the texture is better, it's much easier to shake it into a smooth mix, and I need to drink less of it to get the same amount of calories (you need to mix Huel with far more water to make it drinkable!). And as a Swede I've always appreciated the free (and fast!) shipping.
Since I already liked Plenny Shake v2.0 so much I was a little worried when they'd gone and changed the formula—but v3.0 is actually even better.
I know it sounds like they're paying me to say this (I wish!), but I'm just speaking from the heart when I say I love this stuff. To me, it's not just "a fun thing to try" but has actually had a profound practical impact on my everyday life. I don't really like cooking so on a lazy day it's great to just fall back on "ugh, I'll just have some Plenny Shake", knowing it wll give me what I need at virtually no effort. And during more active periods, like when I'm working out more, Plenny Shake makes it very easy to adjust my caloric intake perfectly.
Unfortunately, many people seem to have some unfounded knee-jerk reaction against the very idea of a neutritionally complete shake (while being happy to snort research chemicals or gorge on macaroni and cheese five days a week). But I've never heard anyone actually produce a decent argument against Plenny Shake, and at this point I'm not expecting one. After five years of drinking and debating it, I still haven't found a reason to switch to anything else—and the reasons to stay with it just keep piling up.”