“I was a little skeptical on making this purchase as I thought the bag would probably be cheaply made because the price seems so good. I was actually surprised at how good it looked when it arrived. The delivery I must say was very quick also. The bag is very lightweight and the dividers are full length. I will say though that I've only had the bag about a month now and some of the material at the top of a couple of dividers is already a little worn...that is my only minor complaint about the bag.”
“Great bag!!! Attractive, well built, very functional. Comparable to or better quality than many bags at BIg Box stores and the good news is 1/3 less $$$$.”
“While I have not used this new bag on the course yet, I bought the same bag for my wife last year, and it is excellent, seems to be of excellent quality , and terrific value ! I especially appreciate the full- length club dividers, a lot of bags claim it, but do not actually have them.”