“Aerialists: (this is a specialized review!) The fabric is very smooth and slick. Great for lyra, fine for sling/hammock if you use a little rosin. Bad choice for silks and could get you in trouble on trapeze. Material is nicely cool and lightweight. Overall they're very comfortable.
Kapow - there is a (niche) market for predominantly-cotton meggings for Aerialists. We're having to buy women's cotton leggings, take them apart, and sew them back up.”
“These are the best jean print meggings that kapow makes and the fit is phenomenal! It's nice to have a pair of their jeans meggings that don't have tears in them so I can wear them more places.”
“Absolutely amazing as always! I have many pairs of Kapows across the ranges and the quality is always so good. These are a fun addition to my collection! I love the denim look and of course they feel amazing and are so comfortable.”