“I would give this 500 stars if possible.
1. I did not have an issue with my own lubrication prior to buying this product. I bought it because my husband and I try to keep it spicy by trying new things. Typically I do not use lubes because my genital skin is extremely sensitive and every lube I've tried is so sticky.
2. I've had a hysterectomy and do HRT. That keeps the kitty purring.
3. While I do not need lube, necesarily, I was incredibly and deliciously surprised when the CBD lube made my vag relax for my husband to do his thing. I had no idea I needed this product! I've experienced some mild discomfort with sex for a while and was always told it happens with age. My husband and I just dealt with it - I sort of shifted my pelvis around a bit to being the comfort. I DON'T NEED TO DO THAT ANYMORE! WOW! Who knew!!!!
4. I also had no issue with orgasms. But that THC lube - WTF!!! It is my mf jam now. Can orgasms feel better than better? YES THEY CAN!!!
You will never catch me without these products!! LOVE LIVE THE (KUSH)QUEEN!!!!!”