“Melt is amazing! For myself, I use it for severe arthritis in my shoulders and neck. Of all the topicals I have tried, Melt is the only topical that takes away the inflammation and pain.
When my husband fell off a ladder and broke his shoulder blade in several places, Melt visibly reduced the swelling in his back ... that decreased the pain and helped him heal faster.
I have used this on my dad's feet to decrease the swelling. The top of his right foot was raised about 2 inches higher than his left foot. In just 5 minutes you could see the bones in his toes, and after about 10 minutes, you could see the bones in the top of his foot. It looked normal after 15 minutes.
These are only a few stories. My sister is now a believer; she uses it on her swollen knee. The swelling disappears almost immediately, and she can walk pain free. My brother also uses it on his lower back.
I recommend this to anyone in pain or having inflammation issues.
It is even great when you workout too hard at the gym and need relief. That is how our son uses it!
“Melt is the first CBD product that almost instantly calm my pain. I’m also in love with Alice & Olivia lotion! Bath bombs are just that....the bomb! My friends try these products and instantly order for themselves!”