A daring pairing of white chocolate and a salty licorice core. As the creamy white chocolate melts in your mouth, small pockets of intriguing raw licorice powder are revealed, making it a perfectly balanced sweet-salty experience.
“I am a big fan of licorice already, both salted and otherwise, but this was even better than I could have imagined it to be. The licorice in the center is perfectly soft and chewy--not waxy at all like some can be--and gives a good kick of saltiness to complement the sweet white chocolate. There are so many flavors and textures in the different layers which make it such an interesting treat. Plus, the product and its container are so sleek and pretty. I'm looking forward to buying this again and also trying the plain salted licorice.
P.S. I appreciate that the facility doesn't use any peanuts/treenuts. With an allergy this has been one of the few times I could enjoy such a treat :)”