“Early signs are great, for years I’ve gone through pillows quickly looking for an elusive pillow that will ‘hold my head up’. My neighbour recommended this and it is delivering so far. In two weeks there is no change and in fact you would believe it was new.”
“I had a shoulder pain for months, due to the incorrect way how I am sleeping. Having a very good bed and mattress made me realize the issue could be with the pillow. I stumbled across an ad of Levitex, which I’ve seen months before.. I thought it might be a sign so I gave it a try. After answering the questions I ended up ordering the biggest size.
I can definitely say this is the best pillow I ever had + the shoulder pain disappeared after a few nights. Initially I had an issue with the foam smell but after around 10 says it went away completely. Thank you Levitex!”
“Superb pillow!
Do not be put off by the price because you will get a better nights sleep with one.
Due to your head being much more supported, your airways will be more open and you will snore less. That’s the reason I got one and my wife is very pleased I did!”
“I am having a much better sleep now I have this pillow and a new mattress (diff brand), I'm still in pain though, I am disabled and don't know if its my position or if my fibro and hyper mobility is worse, I may need a smaller size too, and I do find it annoying that I can't lie on my back without buying another pillow, but I've been using old pillows if I catch my self turning. Turning Is sporadic and I'm not always awake for it to stop myself, so in a way it could cause more problems for me. I still believe its a fab product and will buy again, I just have slightly different needs I think.”