“I have found your CAMEL to be a most helpful device. My wife of fifty plus years has suffered three debilitating strokes over the past seven years complicated by the onset of Alzheimer. Her disability and occasional panic attack have resulted in her falling several times this past year. An available neighbor or a call to 911 was needed. So far no broken bones, just minor bruising, All Thanks to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe. At age seventy-five such things are inevitable one might suppose. At age 76 myself, I find things, including my wife, while easily lifted, when I wore a younger man's clothes, are now apparently securely bolted down. Leprechauns at fault one might suppose. The CAMEL device while expensive and not covered by medicare, is indeed a boon. I guinea pigged it myself by allowing my daughter to operate the controls and elevate me from a prone to an upright position which bespeaks the ease of single person operation. I have extolled the CAMEL's virtues to the many home health care professionals that see to my wife's needs. I give them your url and remark on the well presented video on your site. I commend the whomever's that came up with a useful and much needed device.
Thank You,
Jim and Mary Ann Ridgeway”
“The Mangar Camel has already helped my wife and me lift our son many times following a fall. We just have it plugged in and ready to go for when he loses his balance. Now we can't imagine what we would do without the Camel.”