“Took my Loop Opti NXT 10150 fitted with Ballistic Comp, Aventik Riverbend 13'7ft 10wt with Gaelforce Equalizer Altitude comp. And a 15ft 10wt Diamondback Flex Spey that I put GDC #11 on for the first time.
This is my practice/fun time for 4 to 5 hours on the water.
Threw the first two for most of the time. Technique suffered at the end, darkness falling. Last 1/2 hour I ran GDC through the guides, connected 15ft mono leader. Threw it once standing on the bank before I left. Then again, and again. Next thing I'm knee deep in water throwing single spey while moving in a 180 degree path. Lift, sweep, drift for the anchor, accelerate forward then sudden stop bottom hand pull.
Should have started with that rod/ line. Always tomorrow. Dually 7136 with GDC #10 will come along as well.”