“Hi everyone!
Well, It took a while to get here. I ve been wearing different kind of pads along these last years. Never felt 100% comfortable. Never felt 100% happy.
I know everyone of us is different and I know everyone of us has a different physiology but I sincerely believe Maap s team evo collection makes things easier when you are one of those with some issues in ...some areas.
I wore PNS Mechanism, Rapha Pro Team and Assos GTO. Yes, it s undeniable. Superb names and considered to be the Ivy League of the bike bibs.
Size up your Maap team evos. There s no worries. It s an aero collection. Everything will be fine about your favourite racing fit style. It still runs quite snug while you wear an extremely comfortable pad.
I hope this might help all of those bikers who don t get their 100%. Fingers crossed.
PS. Beautiful tights. Such a different colour. Like it very much.”