“The roast was very tasty etc. However it was IMPOSSIBLE to cut. We had it as part of our Xmas dinner. Thank goodness my guests were family only. I would have panicked and been mortified if I had to serve to anyone other than family members. There was absolutely no way to keep it together while cutting. It was a Mess .....but DELICIOUS!! I should have taken a photo. Unfortunately I didn't. Very disappointed as I had to do a lot of convincing to the family to veer away from our traditional Xmas dinner. Wouldn't order again.”
“Turkey was delicious with an unusual flavor. Duck was scant and a bit tough. Chicken was not apparent to the unprofessional eye. Stuffing was good but loaded at one end of the roast and tiny at the other. This was our first and probably last turducken.”
“Interesting novelty but not worth the delta cost from straight turkey and a duck and a hen. Way too much dressing. Would not stay together when slicing. Will not redo or recommend.”
“The appearance and cooking of the roast was adequate, I was disappointed when the roast was carved as the meat was very sparse, it was mostly wild rice dressing. Though tasty it was not what I anticipated.”
“Arrived beautifully packaged and solid. Followed the thawing and cooking directions. The turkey/chicken was pretty moist and the stuffing was good. The duck was hard as a rock tough. Will just go with the rolled turkey roast next time.”