“I still can't believe how well this simple routine works. My skin was in an awful state as I hit the menopause and my old routine that had served me well since my twenties was not touching all the problems I was experiencing at this difficult time. The Full She-Bang enveloped my skin with its innovative ingredients and it felt WONDERFUL.
If the peri/menopause is changing your skin please try these fabulous products you may well be amazed at what a life changing difference they make at this phase in your skin journey.”
“This brand took me by big surprise!First i was unsure about it but took me days to get use to it and i sticked to it!The cleanser felt so oily first and now i love it!I have been using the full she bang and it cleared up my skin compleatly!I had early menopause at age of 30 and now i am 52 and i suffered brake outs like a teenager and i spent so much money on high end brands and notthing was working!I highly recommend to give it a try to this amazing brand as it works wonders!My skin is all cleared up in just two weeks!Could not be happier!This brand is just amazing!Happy customer!Thank you so much!”
“I want to keep my skincare routine simple as I now seem to be susceptible to fragrance and harsh ingredients. Each and every product in The Full She-Bang packs a gentle, yet hardworking punch. This may be a simple routine but boy is it helping my skin. I wish I had found it sooner. Simple really is the best in this case.”