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MBN - Extra Paint Set Going Home Reviews

4.9 Rating 78 Reviews
I love dealing with Masterpiece!
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Posted 3 years ago
BArb BAldrick
Unverified Reviewer
Thanks the extra paint helped me finish my painting.
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Posted 3 years ago
Dwain Whitford
Unverified Reviewer
I received replacement paints plus new brushes because I moved and lost my paints some how. Great service that’s way masterpiece is my only paint by numbers company that I order from
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Posted 4 years ago
Frederick Ash
Unverified Reviewer
First, your product is just top shelf. I've finished 3 kits and have 2 more to start on. I paint by starting with No 1 and following the numbers so when I ran out of No.1, I called your company for an extra container. Informed that you do not ship individual numbers, I ordered the extra set of paints for this kit. Glad I did because I needed them for Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 24 also. I ran short on No. 3 on the "Quiet Time" print also. I was told that the paint quantity is computer quantified and that I must be applying it heavy. Don't think so. Suggestion: Add a couple of dollars to the cost of the kit and add another container of the most used numbers. (Note: for the Menagerie print, you had 2 No. 1's and I used 3-1/2 to complete). Another problem w/ getting the extra kit: numbers 2 and 24 of the extra set did not match the color of the original set. Be curious if this paint shortage is a problem shared with other folks. Thanks!
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Posted 4 years ago
No one paints the same so the extra set has been very handy. I do not skimp on the paint at all. I always buy the second set and usually use some of them in the painting.
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Posted 4 years ago
I am working on my third painting and love the finished products. I had the paper sheet enlarged and that helped with seeing the numbers. I too have had to order the extra paints but the orders are filled quickly. Most of the time I only need a couple of the extra paints - wish there was a way to figure out the colors with the different paintings so I could use the extra paint on them? It has been a good project for being home so much. People can't believe it was done by numbers. Thanks
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Posted 4 years ago
Annette Jensen
Unverified Reviewer
I feel like I'm actually an artist. Thanks. The only problem I've had is not having enough paint.
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Posted 4 years ago
Great product. Wonderful customer service.
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Posted 4 years ago