“I ordered & paid for the Now product but instead was sent a sub-standard Vitacost brand replacement product! I was only informed of their need to send a replacement (due to being out of stock, apparently) AFTER quite some time & AFTER they'd already sent the inferior replacement. Upon receiving the Vitacost product, I realized that it was only 60 tablets (instead of 90 for the Now product I had ordered & paid for) AND it was only HALF the strength (250 mg per tablet instead of the 500mg per capsule of the Now brand)! I immediately rang MegaVitamins & was initially told it was an equal replacement. I informed the man it was NOT an equal product at all, listing the reasons why to him. He initially disputed the strength per tabket of the Vitacost product but admitted he agreed with me after checking it properly. He also agreed it was fewer tablets in the bottle. He immediately offered either a discount/partial refund if I wanted to keep the Vitacost product OR a total refund if I sent it back to him. Seeing as calcium d-glucarate is in short supply globally at the moment, I took the former option & was given a $30 partial refund of the $57AUD I'd paid originally (incl shipping). All in all, a disappointing result from what should have been a simple order. The Now product is actually a great product. I usually order from a cheaper supplier but sought out MegaVitamins as my usual supplier was also out of stock. Wish I hadn't...”