“Easy to mount, good replacement wheels. My original wheel lost connection with the axel pin after 3300 miles on the cart. Make sure you know which axle you have. The original carts had a smaller axle and those wheels will not fit the newer carts (2019 and later I think). 4 out of 5 stars because of cost of replacement wheels.”
“The replacement wheels that I order worked out perfectly. I am surprised that the locking hub on these wheels is made of aluminum because my original wheels wore out and forced me to order new wheels.”
“I'm not going to lie. When I came home one day my golf cart was folded up in the garage. I did not see it.
You guessed it, I ran over one of the wheels!!!! Crushed it like a grape. That was on a Monday. I immediately went online and ordered a new wheel. I received it by Wednesday. Excellent customer service.”