“Purchased the ASZ-400T Stereo Zoom Microscope, the 5MP digital microscope camera and diffused LED dome illuminator. Exceptional quality for the price and versatile application for botanical stereoscopic work and micro photography of fine plant part morphology. A good bundle for small scale professional work without the need to over expend.”
“The microscope is compact, and simple to work. Set up for transmitted light or top down illumination. The light skirt is excellent. Overall it is an excellent unit to have at home to check out our hobby specimens - insects and plants. It is amazing to have a camera attached for the price, and the transfer of photos to the computer is simple. One point that took us by surprise was that the camera focus is very flat so even a tiny wasp can't be photographed complete - only one part at a time. Still valuable to capture what you are looking at.”
Hi Eric
Your microscope was despatched from here on the 15th the same day as you ordered it online, please bear in mind we are in Perth Western Australia, due to Covid19 Auspost are experiencing longer than expected delivery times, its current status is DELAYED, unfortunately there isnt anything we can do to hurry your delivery, it will arrive hopefully in the next few days.