“Details a bit lacking, claws not painted. Since it is an older figure from CollectA, it is nowhere near as detailed as their current offerings. Still pretty cool figure.”
“This a really nice model! The paint is quite realistic and plausible, and the pose is great! Very detailed figure from the eyes to the paw pads. Only issue with eyes are they are not looking straight when viewed from the front which could make this proto-kitty look a little comical.”
“This figure is great with good quality. Collecta figure is still one of the best in the market. i recommend smilodon collector this figure before run out of stock.”
“Really like the great detail of the fur and texture of the skin on SMILODON. It has a great pose and realistic look about it too!
The markings on the SMILODONS coat are also very authentic and look very detailed.”
“When I view This CollectA Smilodon, I see several scientific inaccuracies. This Smilodon figure has a very ill defined head sculpt with not great saber teeth. I don’t even think it looks cat like in the face. It’s neck is much too short. Smilodon’s neck, according to Paleo experts was relatively long and very muscular. Also, this figure’s front legs are to long and slender, which is the opposite of How Smilodons front limbs were. Smilodon fatalis had relatively short limbs , with the front ones being very thick and muscular, and the back ones being more diminutive.”