“Aside from the excellent camera this has been an absolutely awful experience Quite possibly my biggest gadget purchase regret of my life.
Essential services like data suddenly shut off if you dare use the phone for a couple of minutes on a sunny day.
Fingerprint reader might as well not exist it's so useless.
It's constantly hot to the touch, even if you're just browsing a basic site. Battery life is totally inconsistent. It can get me through a day of use comfortably, or can need a charge in the middle of the day when lightly used.
Factory reset multiple times and even tried to use it with just basic apps for a few days (WhatsApp was the only additional one), but still had the same issues...
Tried sending off for repair but they somehow found no fault. So I'm now stuck with a very expensive paperweight as I had to buy another more reliable phone.
Hopefully mobiles.co.uk support can assist with a refund/cancellation of expensive plan.”
“FYI I have cloudy white 128gb version
Phone is smooth and runs thi gs well, tried cloud gaming from Microsoft all runs smooth. Battery life is just a little disappointing compared to my 3 and half year old phone that upgraded from”
“The phone seems to overheat and lose battery quite quickly. Other than that it's a good phone. I am considering returning it based on these principles though.”