“The literature is full of extensive healing and preventative clinical results of Black Cumin Seed. The multiple ingredients of the Nigella sativa have been well-espoused and the thymoquinone/thymohydroquinoe and multiple terpenes found in BSO make this truly a must in the daily regimen for health and prophylaxis in the toxic environment we all are liviing in today. Thank you for making this product with quality and excellence.”
Hi Kathy!
You are right. The black seed oil has been used for medicinal purposes for hundreds of years and its benefits are wide-ranging and well-researched.
Thank you for your honest review!
Thank you for your review, Mario! We are very glad our Black Seed Oil is working for you! Cold-pressed from Black Cumin Seeds and full of antioxidants, it's the best natural food-grade oil to improve your health, support your energy, and immune system.