“I discovered Moringa thru research on arthritis pain relief and it really does eliminate aches, pains & stiffness caused by arthritis. Each of the first 7 to 10 days of using 1 teaspoon of Moringa Leaf powder in warm water I personally experienced other benefits such as clearer and crisper vision, colors became brighter, it improved my perifreal vision. I had a lot more energy from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed. It completely eliminated insomnia I had been suffering from for more than a decade! It completely eliminated all stress, anxiety and depression. I can think much better and faster, and it is improving my memory also.
I don't have dental insurance so I've been suffering from bad teeth and root infections for about 12 years, it got rid of all the infections and tooth & root pain plus it's healing my gums and they're pink again instead of red!
I have a bone spur on my tailbone and that causes constant pain 24hrs a day 365 days a year and I could not stand up straight but now 90 % of that pain is gone, I stand up straight now, and I can even sleep comfortably laying flat on my back.
I'm getting old and for several years I could not handle outdoor temps below the 60's, and when I went to bed at night just as I was about to fall asleep my body temp would drop making me colder and would shiver and twitch throughout the night but now that no longer happens! I'm comfortable outside with just a t-shirt and jeans down to 49F-50F and I was able to turn the thermostat down to 65F which use to be set to 77F-80F. I think this is a result of Moringa increasing blood flow and stablizing blood pressure and heart rate.
For more than 30 years I've things on my hand that look like warts but it's something else. I've tried medicines and home remedies but nothing would make them go away. After using Moringa Seed Oil on them once everyday for 2 weeks, they almost competely gone now and it got rid of age spots that were on that hand also!
Moringa truely is a miracle of nature and it seems like the "fountain of youth" people are always searching for. I feel like I'm in my 20's or 30's again, I feel and look a lot better after only 3 weeks and other people are noticing that and asking how this is happening and then I tell them about Moringa and they get eager to try it also.
I've been thin for way too long but since I've started using Moringa I'm finally starting to gain weight and fill out the way I should be.”