“I’ve had every custard flavor so far and they’ve all been incredible. I’m not a fan of coconut or caramel, so the fact that I even love the coconut caramel custard is telling of how much I love MN protein. Cookies & cream is my favorite flavor of all time, so I was THROUGH THE ROOF with excitement over the cookies & cream custard finally launching. It arrived less than 20 minutes ago and I already opened it up to try...I’m so disappointed. It’s awful. I’d be curious to see what people guessed if you did a blind taste test, because i dont think anyone would guess that it’s cookie or even dessert related. It’s an odd plain protein flavor (if you use protein powders often or eat a lot of bars, you know what I mean) with a bitter aftertaste. The “cookie pieces” are crunchy but don’t have their own flavor. Muscle Nation, I love you guys so much, but you really missed the mark on this one. So disappointed.”