“I can't believe how mature this company's product and packaging is. They have a small catalog a very considered products that are above the industry standard, in my opinion. Their packaging and educational materials are well produced and industry leading!
Good YouTube videos, great website, and an unmatched unboxing and inoculating experience :-)
I have had a great experience with these grow bags and now use my mono tub for storage of all of my growing and harvesting supplies :-)”
“Have a few bags going now love the fact that mushroom supplies offers the myco protection, just about ready to start my first max yield bin seeing as I’m a beginner I love the fact that no matter which product it is they offer instructions and videos… 110% recommendations to all of my friends and family…”
“Easiest way by far to cultivate mushies. Have never had contamination with these bags, they are my go to. Fastest all in one to colonize I have used.”