“I have ??sed such a "milk like" Product - NEXGEN. I have used it for 2 years on my cars and truck. My only complaint is the cost - $$20.+ for about 8 ounces in a spray bottle.I was recently cleaning and polishing my garage floor which is VCT Tile. ( Garage is my ManCave).When pouring out ZEP WET LOOK floor polish (that word may mean - sealer, wax, polish) it looked just like NEXGEN. Further examination and testing yielded the following: Same appearance, consistancy, sprayed on the same, wiped off with same slightly sticky feel on the cloth and when wiped with a clean mlcrofiber cloth ( per NEXGEN instructions) polished out easily with the same slick feel on the surface.My Garage floor has that same Wet Look you see in Hospitals and Walmart and it is not slippery.ZEP WET LOOK is $36./gallon at Home Depot. I tried ZEP WET LOOK on my tractor and it looks great.Comments always welcome.”