SIGNATURE ELITE SERIES™ Urban Survival-Pak™ --“Get Me Home” with Concealed Holster! One SERIOUS KIT -- Zombies Don’t Have a Chance! Tactical survival, evasion and escape gear in one compact and lightweight unit. Designed to get you safely home to your loved ones and contains the essential gear you’ll need. With over 12 months of R&D and testing into this kit, don’t confuse this for a standard “72 hour or Bugout Kit.” Far from it! This stealthy COVERT kit was designed to make the difference between life and death when all heck breaks loose, Zombie Apocalypse or not! A serious made kit for serious situations! Intended to give you the TACTICAL ADVANTAGE and the element of SURPRIZE you need to get safely back home! EVERY single item contained in this kit has been selected for a specific purpose to give you the “tools” you’ll need to stay safe & survive. We have worked hard to keep this
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