Briggs & Stratton Infohub Wireless Monitor for Home Generators
Be in Control of Your Briggs & Stratton Generator from Anywhere!
Infohub™ wireless monitoring tells you what you want to know about your generator - when you want to know it. Using your computer, tablet or smart phone, standby generator owners can instantly check their generator's system status from home or away.
Who the Briggs & Stratton Infohub is For:
A great option for backup generator owners who would like to wirelessly monitor their standby generator from their computer, tablet or smart phone.
Infohub is compatible with all GE Generator Systems and any Briggs & Stratton standby generator as of August 2005 that utilize the Briggs and Stratton Standard controller.>
What Infohub Generator Monitoring Tells You:
Updates about generator status and generator maintenance needs for your Briggs & Stratton or GE standby generator unit.
Includes reminders to schedule generator maintenance and service faults.
Why Infohub is Easy:
Briggs & Stratton's user-friendly custom web platform is easy to navigate and check your generator's status on.
It's simple installation takes less than 15 minutes.
It's hands-free servicing with optional generator maintenance alerts go directly to the Briggs & Stratton generator dealer for immediate generator repair and troubleshooting.
Infohub's affordable monthly or yearly subscription helps many standby generator owners easily budget for wireless generator monitoring.
Your Briggs Generator Alert Options:
Choose to get text updates, email alerts or both regarding your standby generator status, performance & maintenance needs.
Why Choose Infohub:
More Information about your generator, including generator status, maintenance requirements, and dealer information.
Monitoring solutions for battery voltage, utility power, service notification, dealer notification.
More choices on how to view/receive informaiton, i.e. user-friendly web platform, convenient mobile app, and email/text notifications.
Infohub Mobile Device App is more convenient for on-the-go homewowners than the web solutions offered by many competitive monitoring solutions.
Take protecting your home and faimly from power outages to the next level with Infohub wireless monitoring, a great value (*subscription not included).
US Domestic Model.
*Note: Purchase of a Data Plan is required. Monthly and Year-long plans are available. subscription rates are approximately $9.99 monthly or $99.99 yearly.