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Briggs and Stratton InfoHub Cellular Based Wireless Monitoring for All Standby Generator Brands | 6574 Reviews

1.7 Rating 3 Reviews
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Wireless Generator Monitoring
The Briggs and Stratton Universal InfoHub 6574 monitors your standby generator. Whenever the generator status changes, InfoHub sends an alert to your phone or email.
Monitor status with Web View, email alerts, or text messages. Track generator usage and status changes. View the status and location of multiple generators.
Text message and email alerts tell you when it’s time for generator maintenance or service. For example, know when you battery needs replacement—before it can’t start the generator. Get an instant alert whenever the generator status changes—The power goes out and your generator starts, for example. Maintenance reminders make it easy to schedule on-time service or just have the generator tell the dealer it’s time for preventative maintenance.
InfoHub 6574
The InfoHub Wireless Monitor brings the generator status to your phone or desktop browser with the information you need to know, when you need to know it. Use your computer, tablet, or smart phone to instantly check standby generator status. You’re in control no matter where you are.
Universal Wireless Monitoring works with virtually standby generator brand. InfoHub connects to your mobile device or computer through the cellular network—proven reliable even after natural disasters like hurricanes. The cellular connection provides broad coverage and doesn’t rely on Wi-Fi connections prone to disconnection during power outages.
Briggs and Stratton Infohub Universal Advantages
Compatible with ANY standby generator brand.
Automatic Repair and Maintenance notifications to your dealer.
Standby Generator Performance on your phone, wherever you are.
Smart Cellular System for Reliable Coverage and Connections
Wireless Infohub Universal 6574 Includes:
Antenna with cable.
Infohub module.
Two pre-wired voltage sensors.
Main harness.
Briggs and Stratton InfoHub
The InfoHub Universal Model 6574 is compatible with all generator brands. Setup to send up to 10 predefined Text Messages or Email Alerts including generator status change when the power goes out or is restored. Identify Generator Fault Conditions, get reports, and view the historical event log.
A Briggs and Stratton Generator Repair notification to your dealer can save time when the generator needs maintenance or a service call to keep the unit running during an outage.
Note: Access to the User Portal Requires Subscription Purchase with Activation and Registration.

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Gregory Villano
Verified Reviewer
This monitoring system is TERRIBLE. it has progressively gotten worse over time and began randomly sending alerts / alarms in the last 12 months. The plastic case / housing has deteriorated and is now like grabbing onto a rat glue trap. I spent the last month emailing with B&S Customer Service about getting a replacement unit and that was a huge waste of time - check the wiring, check the sensors are not to close, call your dealer to have a service tech check it out. I finally gave up this week and jerked the POS out of my generator and tossed it into the trash where it belonged three years ago.
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
First - 5 stars for Norwall and their fantastic customer service - Thank you for that! I purchased this "new" wireless monitor to replace the now defunct InfoHub monitor that I had been using since 2014 (with zero issues might I mention). Imagine my disappointment with this "new" module when I realized just how "not smart" it is and all of the functionality that I have lost with this so called upgrade. Not only is the online web portal page poorly designed and difficult to use, the module only has the ability to sense voltage from the utility and the generator via two sensors that you attach with electrical tape (per the instructions as zip ties could damage the sensors). I have already had to contact B&S via telephone three times in the first eight days since installation. Once to activate it, three days later to figure out why it still was not online only to find out they never activated the SIM card in it, and a third time trying to determine why it still was not reporting four days later (the generator had gone through it's weekly exercise routine and never reported any information) to be informed that it would be a few more days before it would actually share information with the webpage or IOS app - What? I'm ready to buy an entire new ATS with wifi reporting capability at this point - and toss this nearly useless device in the trash. I wish the old 2G unit was still in service as it provided much more information than this universal unit.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
First - 5 stars for Norwall and their fantastic customer service - Thank you for that! I purchased this "new" wireless monitor to replace the now defunct InfoHub monitor that I had been using since 2014 (with zero issues might I mention). Imagine my disappointment with this "new" module when I realized just how "not smart" it is and all of the functionality that I have lost with this so called upgrade. Not only is the online web portal page poorly designed and difficult to use, the module only has the ability to sense voltage from the utility and the generator via two sensors that you attach with electrical tape (per the instructions as zip ties could damage the sensors). I have already had to contact B&S via telephone three times in the first eight days since installation. Once to activate it, three days later to figure out why it still was not online only to find out they never activated the SIM card in it, and a third time trying to determine why it still was not reporting four days later (the generator had gone through it's weekly exercise routine and never reported any information) to be informed that it would be a few more days before it would actually share information with the webpage or IOS app - What? I'm ready to buy an entire new ATS with wifi reporting capability at this point - and toss this nearly useless device in the trash. I wish the old 2G unit was still in service as it provided much more information than this universal unit.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago