“I’m a cottage baker who receives large orders and this mixer has changed how I work! Going from a 5 quart mixer which struggled to complete a triple batch to the Bosch Ultra Plus in which I am doing a 5x batch (that’s 15 cups of flour) is a major time saver! The only change to my routine in mixing I have made is softened butter instead of cold butter but putting my mixed dough in the fridge for a bit while I continue to mix my next batches prior to baking has helped yield the same quality results for me as using cold butter. Working smarter not harder with the help of my new Bosch!”
“I have terrible neck, shoulder and arm pain. This machine does ALL the hard work, and pain from, making fresh milled flour bread. Easy to clean. Big when it comes to storing, but worth it!”
“This is a wonderful change from the kitchenaide. Just needed a more powerful motor to handle bread and love that its bottom motor verses above and in the way. Enjoying learning new things.”