“I had such high hopes for this machine and I am very disappointed. It seems to struggle a little on setting 1 with a single recipe of dough in it. When I switch it to the second notch it stays on level one unless you giggle it a little . When it’s mixing it leaves a smear of dough on the bottom that it doesn’t seem to pick up in the rotation and the center stem always seems to be loose even though I always check that it is properly snapped in before I start. I really wanted to love this mixer but I guess I’ll go back to my kitchen aid.”
“I have never been a baker . Love to cook, but my husband liked the baking. We recently bought the Artiste and the grain mill and are milling our own flours. I am actually baking and having a blast. Both these are amazing tools. Wish I had known about these 10 years ago. Have a learning curve, but getting there.”