“"I’ve been a big fan of table tennis for many years and before we got your table we had table tennis table tops that we used to put on top of our old meeting table. So we’ve been doing table tennis sessions for a year now.
It definitely makes a difference. The competition brings everyone together and I’m a firm believer that it keeps the work force sharper and more alert. Its rather addictive!"”
“"At Corporate Rewards we like to practice what we preach, so when it came to designing our new office space we wanted to create something engaging and rewarding. Even something as little as a five minute break away from your desk can make a difference to any team member. That’s why we were delighted when we discovered the table tennis meeting table from office fitness. The table
creates a welcome distraction when you’re having one of those creative blocks, and can help to re-focus the team by letting them have a quick catch up over a rally.
Rewards don’t have to be huge, even the smaller details can make a big difference to the engagement of a team. Being in a relaxing and collaborative environment can help to trigger those ‘light bulb moments’ and our new office has benefited from this practical, yet fun addition."”
“"A week into it and the Table Tennis Meeting Table has turned out exactly as we'd hoped. It provides a friendly way to meet and discuss, much more sociable than booking a meeting with someone which seems too formal and contrived for AbsoluteBoardCo. Most of our games last 10 minutes and so instead of being a barrier to productivity, it offers a way of bringing the team together and creating a short burst of energy which carries over.
Table tennis has created such a buzz that we now plan to hold monthly ""FIFA style"" knock out tournaments. If other companies did the same I can see a work's league springing up"”
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“At Corporate Rewards we like to practice what we preach, so when it came to designing our new office space we wanted to create something engaging and rewarding. Even something as little as a five minute break away from your desk can make a difference to any team member. That’s why we were delighted when we discovered the table tennis meeting table from office fitness. The table
creates a welcome distraction when you’re having one of those creative blocks, and can help to re-focus the team by letting them have a quick catch up over a rally.
Rewards don’t have to be huge, even the smaller details can make a big difference to the engagement of a team. Being in a relaxing and collaborative environment can help to trigger those ‘light bulb moments’ and our new office has benefited from this practical, yet fun addition.”
“I’ve been a big fan of table tennis for many years and before we got your table we had table tennis table tops that we used to put on top of our old meeting table. So we’ve been doing table tennis sessions for a year now.
It definitely makes a difference. The competition brings everyone together and I’m a firm believer that it keeps the work force sharper and more alert. Its rather addictive!”