“I have been a member of OT potential since the beginning. I love being able to have a variety of different resources with a variety of different platforms from research articles to podcasts.”
“I've signed up for my second year in the OT Potential Club because it is my favorite OT resource! As a homecare therapist I love that I can listen to the podcasts on my drive. The evidence based research keeps me eagar to continue to research new interventions and give me fresh ideas for my practice. Thank you for providing such a wonderful variety of topics and for all the other great resources on the website. The OT registry helped me to connect with other OT's AND I got a virtual referral as well :)”
“I am a founding member of the OT Potential Club and still find the articles, discussions, and Podcasts extremely valuable. The articles and topics are well chosen I love Sarah's analysis of the articles that are shared and all the resources! The practitioner comments, discussions and sharing of resources also contribute to the high value OT Potential provides OTPs.”
“So many wonderful ideas and collaborations here. I get a lot of treatment adjustments just from talking or reading some of other people’s experiences! Thank you!!!”
“OT Potential is an awesome community and the key to the future of our profession! Disseminating information about EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE in an easily accessible and clinically applicable manner is how we will will (together!) reduce the gap between research and practice!! Sarah is AMAZING and I am so glad I found this group! I share it with any OT who will listen!!”
“I love that the club has a wide variety of topics and a great format for easily accessible CEUs, as well as a great community of therapists engaged in discussion about each topic.”