“This is great quality for the price! I haven’t had any failure to feed or eject issues with a “core-15” even using a binary trigger system. I was always a brass buyer until trying the cheap stuff. I don’t reload so the case material is irrelevant to me as long as it works.”
“I have never shot steel cased ammo until the last two months. I was looking into reloading all the brass I have saved over the years but it doesn’t make sense to reload when you can buy wolf for $00.17 cents a round. After shooting a few magazines of this wolf .223 ammo with no issues I ordered another 1000rds. I just started doing steel plate challenge with pistols and my glock 19 now has no issues with the wolf ammo either. With the 9mm I have had 1 failure to fire out of 1000rds, that’s a .001% failure rate. I will continue to buy wolf and you should give it a try.”