“Comparing OzStraps vs $5 Aliexpress one, they are the same except for two things. The paint on the Aliexpress one comes off much easier, in some cases I can scatch the pain off with my fingernail. The second difference is that the rubber around the magnet protrudes out more on the OzStraps, which means while it's possible to remove the metal thing on the OzStraps, it won't slip out on its own easily. The only other difference is the delivery time, of course, OzStraps comes much faster due to free Express post from within Australia.
I was afraid the magnet would not be strong enough, but it's plenty strong. I think I did feel one of my air hairs being pulled out once, but I don't really have hairy arms so I can't say much about this.
The strap comes with two quick release spring bars, like other reviews have stated, the bars do easily slide out of the strap and it's quite annoying when changing bands. There are bands that have plastic ends (this one has metal) which has a sort of catch system where the bars can be removed, but they won't just fall out.
You can use this with the Apple Watch Adapter, but be aware that the 20mm will have significant wiggle since the adapters are for 22mm. The wiggle doesn't matter much while wearing, but I usually wear my watches slightly tight.
Comes in a plastic baggie.”