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PerfectFit Dog Harness 20mm Front piece Medium Reviews

5 Rating 29 Reviews
Is your harness a perfect fit? Yes
How does the PerfectFit Harness benefit your dog? It’s comfortable to wear with no buckles or fastening digging in him. Great for car journeys. Most importantly he makes no attempt to escape from it as he has sone with other makes in the past.
The beauty of a Perfect Fit harness is the ability to alter individual pieces to ensure the fit is perfect to my dog and increases the odds of him being able to escape from it. I’ve been using this product on my dog for two years and I’m delighted with the quality and the fit. Easily washed and dried. My dog has lost 2.7kg over the last year, so the ability to alter and interchange pieces has been invaluable. Well worth the money to see a happy, comfortable dog enjoying his walks safe in the knowledge he’s not going to escape. Ensure the fit is correct is essential. So measure the girth of the dog where you want it to sit when wearing the harness. Just because you have a medium sized dog does not mean you will need the same size for each piece. My dog had an extra large sized girth piece, a small X piece and a large Y piece to create the perfect fit. So measure and contact the company for advice. You can return pieces if the fit isn’t correct. Ideally, see if there is an outlet that sells perfect fit locally and take you dog into the store to be fitted. I had to make a 60 mile round trip to do this but it was worth it.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
Thank you for taking the time to leave us such thorough feedback and for sharing the pictures of your beautiful dog, Sue 😊 It is so nice to hear that you are a fan of the modular design and that your pup is so comfortable in it. We feel very honoured that you took a 60 mile round trip to get him fitted. He is a very lucky pup!
Posted 3 months ago
Is your harness a perfect fit? all 3 were perfect
excellent service, had to replace harnesses for 3 dogs, as they had been in my car that was stolen. The all fiited perfectly and look great on my dogs. Really helpful in sorting out sizes for my dogs, all fitted perfectly.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 months ago
We are really sorry to hear that your original harnesses were stolen, Deborah but very pleased that you decided to replace them with PerfectFits. Thank you for leaving us such a lovely review!
Posted 5 months ago
Is your harness a perfect fit? Yes
How does the PerfectFit Harness benefit your dog? Reduces pulling
Perfect fit is perfect
Helpful Report
Posted 6 months ago
It is wonderful to hear that we are living up to our name! :) Thank you for taking the time to review us.
Posted 6 months ago
Is your harness a perfect fit? Yep
How does the PerfectFit Harness benefit your dog? Allows room for growth
Perfect fit
Helpful Report
Posted 6 months ago
This is a great photo, Sara. Thank you for sharing. We love that we are living up tour name! 😃
Posted 6 months ago
Is your harness a perfect fit? Yes
How does the PerfectFit Harness benefit your dog? Better control
This is my second perfect fit harness like that you can upgrade as your pup grows without having to buy a completely new harness
Helpful Report
Posted 6 months ago
Thank you for leaving us your feedback. We hope to be with you on many happy walkies ahead s your puppy grows! 😃
Posted 6 months ago
Is your harness a perfect fit? Yes
How does the PerfectFit Harness benefit your dog? Comfortable, flexible and easy to put on
It’s great to have a harness in parts - my older dogs hasn’t had to have anything replaced since we got his adult size so I’m sure this new puppy one will be the same!
Helpful Report
Posted 6 months ago
Thank you, Hannah! 😊
Posted 6 months ago
Is your harness a perfect fit? Yes
How does the PerfectFit Harness benefit your dog? Fits perfectly, doesn't rub and is comfortable for her.
I absolutely love the perfect fit harness. I've been using it on my dog for the last 10 years. Apart from getting the right fit, the best thing is that the harness is in 3 parts which means only having to change 1 part as my dog grows / loses weight. They are durable, wash well and come in various colours. A must for any dog owner.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 months ago
Wow! Thank you for being with us for the long haul, Elizabeth and thank you for sharing the picture of your beautiful pup in their harness. Wishing you many happy walkies ahead!
Posted 6 months ago
How does the PerfectFit Harness benefit your dog? more control when on the lead
good quality and comfortable for our dog
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
Thank you for taking the time to review us. We are very pleased to hear that you are happy with the quality and comfort of the harness :)
Posted 8 months ago