Is your harness a perfect fit?
How does the PerfectFit Harness benefit your dog?
My dog has lost 2.7kg over the last year, so the ability to alter and interchange pieces has been invaluable. Well worth the money to see a happy, comfortable dog enjoying his walks safe in the knowledge he’s not going to escape. Ensure the fit is correct is essential. So measure the girth of the dog where you want it to sit when wearing the harness. Just because you have a medium sized dog does not mean you will need the same size for each piece. My dog had an extra large sized girth piece, a small X piece and a large Y piece to create the perfect fit. So measure and contact the company for advice. You can return pieces if the fit isn’t correct. Ideally, see if there is an outlet that sells perfect fit locally and take you dog into the store to be fitted. I had to make a 60 mile round trip to do this but it was worth it.